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來源:http://venturarugspa.com 日期:2022-02-09 發布人:jntfgd

Spiral duct has a wide range of applications. Air supply and return duct of purification system, air conditioning ventilation duct, industrial air supply and exhaust ventilation duct, air suction and exhaust duct of environmental protection system, mine gas drainage pipe, mine adhesive cloth air duct, etc.
For the four commonly used reinforcement methods of spiral air duct, the support reinforcement in the air duct shall be arranged neatly, the spacing shall be uniform and symmetrical, and special gaskets shall be set at the stress (pressure) surface of the air duct at both ends of the support.
1. Frame reinforcement method: light steel keel reinforcement is adopted.
2. Embracing reinforcement method: light steel keel reinforcement is adopted, which is used on some special pipes that cannot be used for tie rod reinforcement and frame reinforcement, such as 900 elbow, tee pipe, bulkhead pipe, etc.
3. Anti sagging reinforcement method: it is used for the reinforcement of special pipelines, such as variable pipeline reinforcement and circuitous pipeline reinforcement.
Spiral duct
4. Tie rod reinforcement method: it adopts steel color and casing reinforcement, and usually uses positive pressure reinforcement below 500pa.
This is the name set according to its purpose, but it can be used in other places, even for drainage, liquid discharge or container, so it can't be called air duct. Named according to the structure, it should be called spiral seamed thin-walled pipe. Because it is mainly made of metal, it is also called spiral seamed metal pipe. If the material is classified and named, there may be several names: galvanized (iron) spiral pipe, stainless steel spiral pipe, aluminum spiral pipe, or in order to distinguish it from the existing stainless steel pipe, it can be called ultra-thin stainless steel pipe, because it can be rolled with 0.3mm or even thinner stainless steel strip.
The above is Shandong ventilation duct http://venturarugspa.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to inquire!


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